Internet Marketing Professional

Archive for the ‘blog roll’ Category

Content is what drives visitors to your website. Interesting content will keep people coming back. I see no problem with joining an online debate and starting a similar thread. But for god sake please be original.

I just got a comment by the guy/gal that runs Decent enough little comment. Unfortunately for them I’m a bit of a comment checker. All links are treated as spam until I’ve checked out where they point – I dont want to link to porn or Rx by mistake and devalue any post I make – simple as.

So I read the comment and visit the site and there is my content – I mean verbatim! I’m now getting a bit pissy. So I start looking to see if its got a citation at the bottom of it. If you wanna use my stuff and cite that its mine I don’t mind. But nothing, not even a god forsaken trackback is there.

So comment goes bye bye. At present Google only has the content as being mine in the SERPS (Google search) . But I’m still niggled. Now all I need is a way for people to be able to report content theft to search engines.

So My Rule 2 of Blogging is write your own content and if you do want to join a conversation or use someone elses content at least cite it with a link.

One thing I love about blogs is there conversational nature. I find it great that people can share their opinions and thoughts on your blog and you can share on their blog. This creates a sense of community – as at the end of the day is what we are building. You want to build a community, this will form the core of your readership. Read the rest of this entry »

In the quest to locate new blogging platforms today I came across a new one located at I don’t read the telegraph I was just meandering about the supermarket looking for a paper and saw this bit at the top of the paper and thought I should try it.

Review of

I was greeted with a simple enough account creation process it asked for my name, email twice and password twice and asked me to upload an image to go with my account. So far so good until I found that I could only upload a jpg or jpeg file as the avatar for the account – which was a bit of a pain. Allowing gif and png formats would have been better but not a huge gripe.

Writing the post was simple – write a headline and write the post. Here I was a bit less happy, to make it useable by all you cant edit code. The system does not put in an H1 tag and you cant structure it effectively with headings – you can insert lists I suppose but is a little weak but is really simple to use. So I tried to add some links by way of seeing how the interface works for this and I couldn’t submit the links easily – the window corrupts in firefox. So after working out that the submit button was the tiny line to the bottom right of the window it became workable, had to be pixel perfect with the clicks but I’ve seen worse.

You then submit the post and you are asked to tag the posts. Simple to use drop down – not long enough and lacking in options for anyone who really wants good categorization but is useful enough for normal posts. The you can add your own tags – enter them into a text line input and separate these with commas which is usable enough.

Click on the publish button and your live.

You can’t add a blog roll, outputted code is weak – Good or Bad platform

For me its a weak platform for the new blogger who is looking to dive in for the first time. Its simple to sign up and is simple to create a basic post – embedding links in firefox is a bit of a nightmare but you cant have it all. The outputted text is not coded with search engines in mind – hx tags are used for formatting so the ranking possibilities are reduced. But all in all of you want a simple to use, effective blog, and use Internet Explorer have a go.

For me its not flexible enough and doesn’t allow me the control I want. Let me know your thoughts through the comments and I’ll re-blog about it.

One of the best ways to promote your blog is to get links into it. I’m sure you know the importance of getting links for anything on the internet so I won’t bore you with it all again. Just now I am doing tests to a number of blogs in ways of getting links. I have split these into three categories:

Blog Directories

In essence you apply for a link and get an inclusion for

Blog roll Links

Where you get included within the blog roll of another blog. These can be:

  • Reciprocal
  • One Way

Natural Links from Content

As usual by providing good content you should get good links – at least thats the theory

Will post in a few weeks with the result of this experiment.